Frequently asked questions
The most frequent questions people have about the Cube-houses are sorted below.
Who is the architect?
Piet Blom (NL/1934-1999)
When have the cube-houses been built?
What is the price of a cube-house?
Around €280.000
Are they being rented out?
Occasionally, but furnished
What are the dimensions?
Surface: 100m2 / volume: 400m3
Are all cube-houses the same size?
Yes (all 38)
Are all cube-houses being lived in?
Yes (since 1984)
What do the big cubes contain?
StayOkay (hostel)
How do you clean the windows?
Wait for a rainstorm ;-)
What kind of people live here?
People who choose for it and work to make it work.. (creative, flexible, open-minded..)